JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React’s Dependency Checks - Part 2
In a previous blog, [JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React’s Dependency Checks](https://www.balysnotes.com/javascript-equality-checks), we delved into the nuances of JavaScript data typ...

Brian Baliach
- 19 Jun 2024
Streamlining Your Next.js Project with Private GitHub/Gitlab Repositories as NPM Packages
### Using Private GitHub/Gitlab Repos in Your Next.js Projects Imagine this scenario: you're working on a super cool Next.js project, and you have some shared code that you'd like to use across mult...

Introduction to Domain Driven Design: Bridging the Gap Between Complex Systems and Software
Recently, I was asked to present on Domain Driven Design. As I delved deeper into the research, it became clear that DDD is a crucial aspect of system architecture that many developers don’t fully gr...