Showing posts from react tag

TypeScript Stage 3 Decorators: A Journey Through Setup and Usage

TypeScript Stage 3 Decorators: A Journey Through Setup and Usage

So, What Are TypeScript Decorators? In the simplest of terms, a decorator in TypeScript is like a wrapping paper. You take a function or a class and wrap it with another function that adds some extr...

JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React’s Dependency Checks - Part 2

JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React’s Dependency Checks - Part 2

In a previous blog, [JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React’s Dependency Checks](, we delved into the nuances of JavaScript data typ...

Streamlining Your Next.js Project with Private GitHub/Gitlab Repositories as NPM Packages

Streamlining Your Next.js Project with Private GitHub/Gitlab Repositories as NPM Packages

### Using Private GitHub/Gitlab Repos in Your Next.js Projects Imagine this scenario: you're working on a super cool Next.js project, and you have some shared code that you'd like to use across mult...

Escaping Deployment Hell: How Feature Flags Can Transform Your Workflow

Escaping Deployment Hell: How Feature Flags Can Transform Your Workflow

Feature flags, also known as feature toggles, are a powerful technique that allows us to alter the behavior of our software systems without changing code. Originating from the need for safer deploym...

JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React's Dependency Checks

JavaScript Equality Under the Lens: Enhancing React's Dependency Checks

JavaScript, a language of many faces, often presents concepts that are deceptively simple yet profound in their implications. Among these, understanding equality checks and the nuanced landscape of J...

Animating SVGs in React: Breathe Life into Your Images

Animating SVGs in React: Breathe Life into Your Images

Dare I say, we've all been there - staring at our perfectly tailor-made Figma designs, only to dread the impending ordeal of translating it pixel-for-pixel in code. The challenge often intensifies wh...

Setting Up a Signalling Server: Client Video Streaming (Part 2 of 3)

Setting Up a Signalling Server: Client Video Streaming (Part 2 of 3)

Welcome back to our thrilling three-part series on setting up a peer-to-peer connection for client video streaming. In [Part 1](

Setting Up a Peer-to-Peer Connection: Client Video Streaming (Part 1 of 3)

Setting Up a Peer-to-Peer Connection: Client Video Streaming (Part 1 of 3)

Welcome to the first part of our three-part series on setting up a peer-to-peer (P2P) connection to send a video stream between two clients (a server serving as an intermediary only for initial conne...

gRPC: A Modern Approach to Microservices Communication

gRPC: A Modern Approach to Microservices Communication

In today's world, microservices architecture has become a popular approach for building scalable and reliable applications. With microservices, an application is broken down into smaller, independent...

Tic-Tac-Toe: Exploring a TypeScript Code Example

Tic-Tac-Toe: Exploring a TypeScript Code Example

Hello, fellow code connoisseurs! I've recently decided to refresh my memory on data structures and algorithms. This current project is inspired by freecodecamp's tic-tac-toe example. Buckle up, and l...